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Generative art, 2022 - present

In my Sediments series, I am continuing to delve into the realm of generative art and the ways in which digital objects can evoke memories. These memories can take on many different forms and lead to a wide range of interpretations, from straightforward representations to dreamlike metaphorical expressions.
Through my art, I aim to explore the connection between the context of an image and the imagination, and how they shape our understanding of the world around us. By collecting and arranging these memories into digital works, I hope to gain a better understanding of how we as individuals and society evolve and grow.

The mesmerizing shapes and textures found in my Sediments series are a source of wonder and fascination for me, and I hope they will have the same effect on you. Whether they bring back memories of the past or inspire new ways of thinking, I hope that these images encourage self-reflection and introspection.

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